
What: The Annual meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) where representatives from Atlantic fishing nations will discuss proposals for measures to better prevent shark finning and to protect shortfin mako sharks from overfishing will end tomorrow.

When and where: 21st November 2017 Marrakech, Morocco (one day earlier than expected).

What’s been  discussed: Mako protection: Shortfin makos are exceptionally vulnerable to overfishing and yet to date no catch limits have been set by ICCAT or the countries with the highest catches (including Spain and Morocco). By the close of tomorrow’s meeting we expect to be able to report developments on this issue.

The need for a stronger finning bans: ICCAT’s ban on shark finning (the wasteful practice of slicing off a shark’s fins and discarding the body at sea) is hard to enforce because a complicated, unreliable fin-to-body weight ratio is used to monitor compliance. We will be able to update on ICCAT parties response to the proposal.

Interviews: Members of Shark Advocates International, Shark Trust, Ecology Action Centre, and Project AWARE have formed the Shark League for the Atlantic and Mediterranean, a coalition dedicated to responsible, science-based regional shark conservation. They will be issuing a press release and be available for interview at the close of the meeting.

Media contact : Patricia Roy, tel: +34 69690 905 907, email: patricia@communicationsinc.co.uk


Protecting Shortfin Mako Sharks

Our organizations are focused this year on the dire status of shortfin mako sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus), particularly in the North Atlantic, revealed through the recent assessment by the Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (SCRS). We are encouraged to see several proposals to begin addressing serious overexploitation. At the same time, we are disappointed that none so far match the SCRS advice, which centers around — with unprecedented clarity — a complete prohibition on retention as a first, immediate step.

Continue reading Joint Opening Statement – ICCAT 25th Regular Meeting in Marrakech, Morocco


Source: Europress

La Shark League, coalición dedicada a la conservación responsable de los tiburones defiende una prohibición de las retenciones de tiburón mako en el Atlántico Norte (basada en recomendaciones científicas) y en el Atlántico Sur (basada en el enfoque preventivo), al considerar que estas dos medidas conformarían “un primer paso hacia una conservación efectiva de la especie”.    Así lo ha exigido la organización con motivo de la reunión anual de la Comisión Internacional para la Conservac …

Continue reading Shark League exige prohibir las retenciones de tiburón mako en el Atlántico para ayudar a su conservación


What: Annual meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) where representatives from Atlantic fishing nations will discuss proposals for measures to better prevent shark finning and to protect shortfin mako sharks from overfishing.

When and where: Tuesday 14th to 22nd November 2017 Marrakech, Morocco.

Why it’s important: Sharks are among the most vulnerable animals taken in high seas fisheries targeting tuna and swordfish, and are yet seriously under-protected. There are no international limits on the most valuable high seas shark species (shortfin mako); the North Atlantic population has just been assessed as depleted. ICCAT’s weak finning ban is out of line with best practice. Overfishing and waste of sharks has negative ecological and economic effects. ICCAT has the ability to set the standard for shark safeguards of 50 countries and the European Union. ICCAT action on makos and finning would set important precedent for other oceans.

Continue reading MEDIA ADVISORY: SHARKS & ICCAT #MakeTime4Makos