
Source: La Voz de Galicia

Celebran la prohibición de las 90 toneladas que los palangreros de superficie capturaron el año pasado.

La organización conservacionista Shark League está convencida de que la decisión que ha tomado el Ministerio de Transición Ecológica español de imponer un cupo cero para la venta de marrajo tendrá consecuencias positivas en la reducción de la sobrepesca de la especie en el Atlántico norte. Y es que, según sostiene la Shark League en un comunicado, España ocupa la primera posición mundial en capturas de marrajo dientuso y es responsable de alrededor de la mitad de los desembarques de ejemplares de la población de ese océano, especialmente diezmada.

Continue reading Conservacionistas creen que el veto de España a la venta de marrajo aliviará la sobrepesca


The new ban on shortfin mako landings from high seas North Atlantic fisheries coincides with similar prohibitions just imposed by Spain. The combined actions of these two fishing powers could just turn the tide for this endangered population.

The Shark League is congratulating the Portuguese government for taking action to protect one of the world’s most valuable and threatened shark species, the shortfin mako. A new moratorium on landing applies to shortfin makos caught in North Atlantic high seas fisheries, the source of most of Portugal’s mako catch. News of the ban comes just as even broader mako protections by Spain are coming to light. Because these two countries are responsible for ~65% of the total landings of North Atlantic makos, their combined actions have great potential to stem serious overfishing and save this particularly depleted population from collapse.

Continue reading Shark League Applauds Portugal for Long-Awaited Mako Protection


New Landings Ban by Top Shark Fishing Power Could Take a Big Bite Out of Overfishing

Press Release available in English and Spanish

London, February 1, 2021. Conservationists are heralding action by the Spanish government to protect one of the world’s most valuable and threatened shark species, the shortfin mako. A new moratorium on landing, sale, and trade applies to the particularly depleted North Atlantic population and has potential to put a significant dent in serious, long-term overfishing.

Continue reading Spain Protects Endangered Mako Sharks