Here you can find the latest issue of the EU Shark Rally Newsletter.
Freelance journalist Caroline Elliott reveals the perils faced by the endangered Shortfin Mako shark which could become extinct without urgent international action.
Continue reading Time is running out to save the cheetah of the sea – will nations act?
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. September 24, 2021. The Greenland shark – the species thought to have the longest lifespan of any vertebrate – has been denied new protections at this week’s (online) annual meeting of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO). The US had proposed a science-based ban on retaining Greenland sharks and was supported by the EU, UK, Canada, Russia, Norway, and France (with respect to Saint Pierre and Miquelon). In response to opposition from Iceland, however, the US withdrew its proposal. The NAFO Parties supporting Greenland shark protection pledged to reintroduce the proposal at the next annual meeting.
Source: Phys.Org/AFP – by Kelly MacNamara, Marlowe Hood
Trapped on island habitats made smaller by rising seas, Indonesia’s Komodo dragons were listed as “endangered” on Saturday, in an update of the wildlife Red List that also warned overfishing threatens nearly two-in-five sharks with extinction.
Continue reading Komodo dragon, 2-in-5 shark species lurch towards extinction