
Decision on North Atlantic ICCAT ban – championed by Canada, Gabon, Senegal, and the UK – stalled again


London, UK. July 9, 2021. Conservationists are deeply unhappy that the European Union and the United States once again obstructed agreement on urgently needed mako shark protections during this week’s special Committee negotiations of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Canada and seven other Parties proposed a ban on retaining seriously overfished North Atlantic shortfin makos, as scientists have long advised. The EU and US refused to go along, insisting on exceptions for continued landings of the endangered species, despite receiving only opposition in response. The resulting delay in consensus allows unsustainable fishing on this shared population to continue. ICCAT scientists estimate recovery could take five decades, even if fishing were to stop immediately.

Continue reading EU and US Impede Momentum Toward Vital Mako Shark Protections


Decision on North Atlantic ICCAT ban – championed by Canada, Gabon, Senegal, and the UK – stalled again

London, UK. July 8, 2021. Conservationists are deeply unhappy that the European Union and the United States once again served as the main obstacles to agreement on urgently needed mako shark protections during this week’s special Committee negotiations of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Canada and seven other Parties proposed a ban on retaining seriously overfished North Atlantic shortfin makos, as scientists have long advised. The EU and US refuse to go along and continue to insist on exceptions for continuing to land the endangered species, despite receiving only opposition in response. The resulting delay in consensus allows unsustainable fishing on this shared population to continue. ICCAT scientists estimate recovery could take five decades, even if fishing were to stop immediately.

Continue reading Press Statement: EU and US Impede Momentum Toward Vital Mako Shark Protections


Here you can find the latest issue of the EU Shark Rally Newsletter.  We’re pleased to announce the first EU Member State to back the ICCAT scientific advise to prohibit the retention of makos in the North Atlantic and become our first EU Mako Champion…check out the newsletter to find out who it is! And…we’ve just released the Voices for Makos video showcasing EU citizens, politicians, scientists, divers, aquariums voice their support for the science as well.

Continue reading EU Shark Rally Newsletter Issue 5