

Dear Minister:

On behalf of the Shark League, a non-profit coalition dedicated to science-based conservation of inherently vulnerable sharks, we write to express our gratitude for Canada’s adherence and promotion of scientific advice for protecting endangered Atlantic shortfin makos, as well as our hope that this much needed leadership will continue with resubmission of Canada’s proposal for science-based mako catch limits by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).

Continue reading Shark League Letter to the Honourable Bernadette Jordan Minister of Fisheries, Oceans, and the Canadian Coast Guard


 Dear Minister Ribera: 

We write to register our concern about the status of mako sharks and to request information on how Spain is implementing its associated commitments under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Specifically, we are interested in obtaining copies of the national non-detriment findings (NDFs) being used to justify continued high seas fishing of these sharks by Spanish vessels. 

Continue reading Shark League Letter to Minister Teresa Ribera, Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge


Delivered on behalf of Shark League members groups and partner NGOs, including Defenders of Wildlife and Oceana

Our organizations remain deeply concerned about the dire status of shortfin mako sharks, particularly in the North Atlantic. Parties’ responses to scientific advice from ICCAT’s Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (SCRS) have been inadequate for more than a decade, leading to the serious and urgent situation we face today.

Continue reading ICCAT intervention on mako sharks


The Shark Trust, Ecology Action Centre, The Ocean Foundation, Shark Advocates International, and Defenders of Wildlife thank the European Union for proposing blue shark limits based on the advice of the Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (SRCS). This heavily fished species remains at risk for overfishing due to the lack of basic catch limits by ICCAT and major fishing nations. The existing landing threshold for the North Atlantic is insufficient to ensure that overages are prevented. South Atlantic blue shark fishing is still essentially unregulated. We urge Parties to establish, without further delay, hard catch limits for blue sharks in both oceans, at levels at or below those advised by the SCRS.

Continue reading ICCAT intervention on blue sharks